Welcome to EL-KENGSHA (K) LTD Group
Home to EL-Kengsha Roads & Bridges Construction and El-Kengsha Property Developers, the premier construction companies in Kenya
EL-KENGSHA (K) LTD GROUP understands that integrity is a success ingredient that we cannot compromise. Thereby, the Group ensures that all construction projects and properties developed exceed our clients’ expectations. The group is keen to ensure utmost transparency in all our business processes.
What’s more, we believe that our business can be successful for generations only if we institute a TRADITION OF TRUST, ETHICAL PRACTICES AND UTMOST INTEGRITY. These three principles form the basis of our organizational culture. By integrating our core values into our daily practices, we ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes.