Enviromental Management
El-kengsha Roads & Bridges Construction Corporation is committed to conducting its business in a manner that delivers leading Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) performance. This is consistent with our commitment to corporate citizenship, social responsibility and sustainability.
Our goals are to provide services that are environmentally sound throughout their lifecycles, conduct our operations in an environmentally responsible manner, and create health and safety practices and work environments that enable our employees to work injury-free.
In order to accomplish this, we will:
- meet or exceed all applicable EHS regulatory requirements as per the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations of the Laws of Kenya;
- aggressively pursue pollution prevention, energy conservation and waste reduction in our operations; and
- Seek to deliver our products to be safe to use, to minimize their use of energy and natural resources, and to enable their end of life recycling.
We will achieve this high level of performance by integrating EHS into our business planning and decision-making, maintaining global EHS performance standards, and establishing EHS goals and objectives that achieve continual improvement.
El-kengsha Roads & Bridges Construction Corporate OHS Policy Statement:
El-kengsha Roads and Bridges Corporation shall provide each employee with a safe and healthy place in which to work and reside in the case of distant contracts necessitating the need for accommodation. Further, the company shall provide a safe and healthy environment for visitors, sub-contractors etc. who are required to enter construction site premises. The Company will ensure that safe plant, machinery and equipment are provided for all management and workers and that safe and healthy work practices are employed. The Company in implementing this policy will observe relevant occupational health and safety legislation as outlined in the Factories and other Places of Work Act and the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, among other legislation.
To achieve this, the Company will maintain an Occupational Health and Safety program. This program will focus responsibilities and resources in the areas of accident and injury prevention, hazard removal and control, health and welfare preservation, the development of safe and healthy work practices, the promotion of health and safety awareness, the provision of training in safe and healthy work practices, the compliance with health and safety legislation and regulations, the rehabilitation of injured employees and consultative mechanisms.
Overall responsibility for occupational health and safety at the Company rests with the site Resident Engineer. Further, all management and workers have a general responsibility in terms of the Factories Act to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The broad parameters of these specific responsibilities are set out in the company’s policy document titled “Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Objectives and Duties”.
The success of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy rests on the commitment of management at all levels to its successful implementation and to the involvement and commitment of management and workers.
To monitor and assist with the implementation of this policy, Occupational Health and Safety Committee has been established at each site and comprises the Site Foreman and the Resident Engineer. At each construction site, it is the responsibility of the management of that site, or the coordinating senior officer of the Company in regard to joint ventures, to ensure the operations at that site are compliant with applicable health and safety legislation.